Justin turned the BIG 3-0 on Tuesday Dec 14th! I had so much planned for him! The night before I gave him the first surprise, Wizards-Lakers tickets 10 rows from the court! A co-worker friend of mine's husband's boss had them and wasn't going to be able to go! So, I gladly took them off his hands for a fun birthday date night with my hubby! The plan was to go to eat at Corduroy, a neat restaurant we've been wanting to try and then head to the game! At about 4:00 pm on his birthday, I began feeling sick. I ran home to lay down for a bit and hopefully shake it off for the fun night ahead. I made the mistake of checking facebook and seeing that 10 people that had been at the church party I went to on Sunday night had food poisening/stomach bug. Welp, I did too! Justin called his friend Travis last minute and they were able to enjoy the game. Needless to say I was out of commission for about 2 days!
All along, I had also been planning a surprise birthday party for him. It went AMAZINGLY well! He had no idea! I had about 25 or so of his best friends waiting for him and he was very surprised! My brother and his girlfriend even came into town for it! My good friend Holly took a lot of pictures (since crazy me forgot the camera) and I've got to get them from her to post on here! I promise they will come!
We capped off the birthday week with a ginge
rbread house making party at our friends' Ross and Catlin's. It was so much fun and our house turned out pretty well!
We had ANOTHER big event during Justin's birthday week! We had put a deposit down on an English Cream Golden Retriever puppy and she was born on Thursday December 16th! We aren't sure which one will be ours, but she will be one of these cuties (maybe, this is a picture of 4 of the 6 puppies from the litter!)